Illuminate: Dr. Dean Busby - Changing the pornography discussion with our kids - Episode 28

illuminate podcast Jan 02, 2019

Our kids are tired of the same "porn is bad" talk and need better information from us on how to navigate the sex-saturated world that surrounds them. Dr. Dean Busby, director of the School of Family Life at Brigham Young University, co-authored a book called "A Better Way to Teach Kids About Sex", which includes a chapter on how to have a better conversation about pornography.



In this episode, we cover:

- What conversations need to happen before you can have an anti-pornography talk with your children.
- Why jumping into a conversation about pornography without preparation is harmful to children.
- How we unintentionally teach our children that sex is shameful.
- Why taking an alarmist approach toward pornography prevents kids from being open.
- How to validate healthy sexual attraction while setting limits with lust.
- How to create a meaningful discussion vs. a one-sided lecture about pornography.
- Three talking points that are critical to cover when talking about pornography.
- Paying attention to your child’s personality and communication style so you can have a more productive conversation.

You can purchase the book "A Better Way to Teach Kids About Sex" here:…veASIN=1629723738

Dean M. Busby is the director of the School of Family Life at Brigham Young University. Recently he has been teaching the healthy sexuality in marriage course at BYU. His research has garnered university and national awards and been funded by federal and state grants and has been presented to scholarly and lay audiences around the world.

The Illuminate Podcast is sponsored by LifeStar of St. George, Utah, a recovery program for couples and individual impacted by pornography addiction and betrayal trauma. for the next workshop and other resources.

You can also purchase a six-hour audio course on healing your marriage from pornography ($29) here:


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