Guest Post - Will our teens be the same after the pandemic? by Jody Steurer

covid-19 help guest post Apr 24, 2020


By Jody Steurer

I recently read an opinion piece by CNN columnist Scottie Andrew, titled “Why Teens May Never Be The Same After The Pandemic,” where she highlights the losses teens, especially graduating seniors, face as they wrap up this school year in quarantine. 

She’s right. Our graduating seniors may never be the...

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You are more than a paycheck - Helping men thrive during COVID-19

covid-19 help Apr 02, 2020

Lots of men are telling me they're feeling overwhelmed with fear about providing for their families during this COVID-19 economic downturn. Even though both men and women are losing income during this time, men generally take it harder. A lot of guys will numb out on TV, phones, gaming, food, and isolate away from their loved ones. Some will get...

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Illuminate: Geoff Steurer, MS, LMFT - Help for distressed couples during quarantine - Episode 55

Sheltering in place is tough for most people, but it's especially difficult for couples who were already distressed before they were required to spend days on end together. And, tragically, sheltering in place can also increase the risk of physical and emotional abuse for vulnerable family members. In this episode, I share eleven ways distressed...

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Illuminate: Amy Cluff - Staying emotionally healthy during a pandemic - Episode 54

How do we stay emotionally healthy in the midst of a global pandemic? In this special episode, I team up with Amy Cluff, a therapist who specializes in working with betrayal trauma and child/family therapy, to talk about specific ways we can all maintain our emotional health when facing these unprecedented global fears and uncertainties. 


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