Special episode! The Illuminate Podcast is getting a new name!

illuminate podcast Feb 08, 2021

After recording over 80 episodes and 100,000+ downloads, I have more clarity about the mission and message of this podcast and decided to update the name of the podcast. 

The format and content will stay the same, so if you love what you're hearing....you'll keep hearing more of it!

Can't wait to share the new name with you!

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Illuminate: Healing with WORTH - Therapeutic Disclosure (Part 2) - Episode 79

illuminate podcast Feb 05, 2021

In this episode, I'm the guest on the second part of the Healing with Worth podcast where I speak about the importance of therapeutic disclosure.


Connect with me on social media:



Visit www.geoffsteurer.com for online courses and other supportive resources.



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Illuminate: Healing with WORTH - Therapeutic Disclosure (Part 1) - Episode 78

illuminate podcast Jan 28, 2021

In this episode, I'm the guest on the Healing with Worth podcast where I speak about the importance of therapeutic disclosure.

Connect with me on social media:



Visit www.geoffsteurer.com for online courses and other supportive resources.


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Illuminate: Erica Wilcox, LPC - Pep talks to put everything in perspective - Episode 77

illuminate podcast Jan 21, 2021

I'm joined by Erica Wilcox, Licensed Professional Counselor, to talk about conversations we can have with ourselves to put things in perspective. She calls these "Pep talks!"

She wants to help listeners simplify their day to day problems related to boundaries and relationships with some down to earth, encouraging, and honest pep talks so they can use...

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Illuminate: Erica Wilcox, LPC - EMDR in the real world - Episode 76

illuminate podcast Jan 14, 2021

 I'm joined by Erica Wilcox, Licensed Professional Counselor, to talk about the power of EMDR therapy for treating trauma and other mental health concerns.

Show highlights:

- Normalize and demystify EMDR to help educate and give hope to listeners that may not have otherwise sought it out so that they can heal from hurt

- EMDR in a nutshell:...

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Illuminate: Chad Ford - Transforming fear and conflict in your life - Episode 75

illuminate podcast Dec 18, 2020

 Conflict is a normal part of life, but when there has been a serious betrayal of trust and security, working through that conflict can feel impossible. Sometimes it makes sense to stay in the relationship and sometimes its best to part ways. However, we don't always realize it, but we stay connected to those we struggle with even if we're not...

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Illuminate: Kimberly Day - Confronting abuse in marriage - Episode 74

illuminate podcast Dec 14, 2020

In this episode I interview Kimberly Day, LMHCA, about how to better diagnose and confront abuse in marriage. Kim says that when we think of betrayal trauma and really understand the dynamics of a relationship when one partner is addicted to porn or sex, it's important to look at all abuse dynamics to get a complete picture. Abuse is an important and...

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Illuminate: Dr. Mark Chamberlain - The challenge of enjoyment in the age of addiction - Episode 73

illuminate podcast Dec 07, 2020

I interview author and psychologist, Dr. Mark Chamberlain, about our struggle to experience true enjoyment in today's desensitized culture. Screens, abundant food, and other forms of stimulation make it difficult for our nervous systems and bodies to truly enjoy life's little pleasures. It can also be a challenge to enjoy relationships, spirituality,...

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Illuminate: Dr. Mark Chamberlain - Healing a marriage damaged by virtual infidelity - Episode 72

illuminate podcast Nov 23, 2020

I was thrilled to have my friend and co-author, Dr. Mark Chamberlain, join me on this episode of the podcast. Mark and I co-authored the book, "Love You, Hate the Porn: Healing a Relationship Damaged by Virtual Infidelity" back in 2011. In this episode we talk about the origin of this book, how it helps couples, and what things we would change if it...

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Illuminate: Dr. Wally Goddard - Compassion in marriage after betrayal - Episode 71

illuminate podcast Nov 09, 2020

Betrayed partners are terrified to offer forgiveness and compassion to their unfaithful spouse. They've often already offered the benefit of the doubt, offered forgiveness and understanding, and compassion over years when they were being lied to and manipulated. So, the idea of extending this back to their partner doesn't feel safe. I join my dear...

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