Illuminate: Dr. Wendy Ulrich - Forgiving ourselves - Episode 49

illuminate podcast Jan 16, 2020

I interview Dr. Wendy Ulrich, author and therapist, on the subject of forgiving ourselves. We discuss the importance of forgiving ourselves when we make mistakes.

Specifically, we discuss: 

- What it means to forgive ourselves.

- The ultimate goal of self-forgiveness.

- Why we struggle to forgive ourselves for making mistakes.

- The path to self-forgiveness, including:

1. Clarifying our beliefs

2. Qualifying for forgiveness and grace

3. Overcoming internal obstacles to peace

4. Trusting God



You can find Dr. Ulrich's books and workshops here:


Wendy Ulrich, Ph.D., M.B.A., has been a psychologist in private practice, president of the Association of Mormon Counselors and Psychotherapists, and a visiting professor at Brigham Young University-Provo. She founded Sixteen Stones Center for Growth, which offers seminar-retreats for Latter-day Saint women and their loved ones (see Her books include Let God Love You; Weakness Is Not Sin; Habits of Happiness; The Temple Experience; Forgiving Ourselves; and national best-seller The Why of Work, coauthored with her husband, Dave Ulrich.


Have you broken your partner's trust and want a structured process to help you repair it? Get instant access to my 12-week online Trust Building Bootcamp and begin repairing your marriage. Illuminate listeners can get 30% off the price of the course by visiting and entering coupon code ILLUMINATE at checkout.


The Illuminate Podcast is hosted by Geoff Steurer, MS, LMFT and founder of LifeStar of St. George, Utah, a treatment program for couples healing from the impact of pornography and sexual addiction. Learn more at


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Geoff has also created audio and video courses to help support individuals and couples in marriage, addiction, and betrayal trauma recovery at


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