Illuminate: Steven Shields - Why you should share your addiction recovery story (and how) - Episode 53

illuminate podcast Mar 12, 2020

Building an authentic community around those struggling with pornography addiction and betrayal trauma is essential for recovery. Steven, from Unashamed Unafraid, shares his experience of hearing how many couples have shared their story of addiction recovery. Geoff and Steven discuss why it is important for those struggling to share their story and how to do it in a safe and healing way. They also discuss strategies for spouses and family members to help invite addicts to share their stories.



The 12-week online Trust Building Bootcamp is now available for 15% off to Illuminate listeners by entering the code: ILLUMINATE at


The Illuminate Podcast is hosted by Geoff Steurer, MS, LMFT and founder of LifeStar of St. George, Utah, a treatment program for couples healing from the impact of pornography and sexual addiction. Learn more at


Geoff has also created audio and video courses to help support individuals and couples in marriage, addiction, and betrayal trauma recovery at


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