Illuminate: Dr. Jill Manning - Self-care for betrayal trauma - Episode 68

illuminate podcast Sep 24, 2020

Dr. Jill Manning joins me in this episode to talk about self-care for betrayed partners. She emphasizes the need to care for yourself physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually while healing from the impact of partner betrayal trauma. 



You can find Dr. Manning and her digital downloads at:


Dr. Jill Manning is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, a Certified Clinical Partner Specialist (CCPS), a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP), and a Board Certified TeleMental Health Provider (BC-TMH) who specializes in working with individuals impacted by sexual addiction, pornography or betrayal trauma in their primary relationship.


In addition to her clinical work, Dr. Manning is a researcher, author, consultant, professional speaker and activist whose passion and dedication to combating sexual exploitation and obscenity is evident throughout her diverse body of work.


Dr. Manning currently serves on the Board of Directors for Enough is Enough, a non-profit organization dedicated to making the Internet safer for children and families. Between 2016 and 2018, Dr. Manning served on the Board of Directors for the Association of Partners of Sex Addicts Trauma Specialists (APSATS). 


In addition to her volunteer work, Dr. Manning is committed to giving a portion of her annual practice income to charitable causes that strive to prevent or combat some of the very issues she treats. Enough is Enough and Operation Underground Railroad are two of the organizations Dr. Manning supports. She encourages others who are passionate about fighting obscenity and defending human dignity to consider donating as well.



Geoff Steurer has created audio and video courses to help support individuals and couples in marriage, addiction, and betrayal trauma recovery at Illuminate listeners can enter promo code: ILLUMINATE at checkout and save 15%.


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