Illuminate: Dr. Wally Goddard - Your Blueprint for Happiness - Episode 70

illuminate podcast Oct 23, 2020

I join my dear friend and mentor, Dr. Wally Goddard, to talk about his blueprint for happiness. He describes five ways we can increase our own personal happiness regardless of what might be going on around us. You can download a copy of "Your Blueprint for Happiness" here: 



Wally Goddard is a retired professor of Family Life having served in Arkansas and Alabama. He developed programs on personal well-being, marriage, and parenting. He is well known for his many creative family programs, including The Marriage Garden, The Parenting Journey, and Blueprint for Happiness. Wally has authored or co-authored several books including Between Parent and Child, The Soft-Spoken Parent, and Drawing Heaven into Your Marriage. He has been recognized by his colleagues with several awards including the Outstanding Family Life Educator Award. Wally and his wife, Nancy, have three adult children, fourteen grandchildren, and have cared for many foster children over the years. Wally describes Nancy as the finest human being he has ever known. For more about the books Wally has written, go to his Amazon author page: 


Geoff Steurer has created audio and video courses to help support individuals and couples in marriage, addiction, and betrayal trauma recovery at Illuminate listeners can enter promo code: ILLUMINATE at checkout and save 15%.


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