Illuminate: Dr. Mark Chamberlain - Healing a marriage damaged by virtual infidelity - Episode 72

illuminate podcast Nov 23, 2020

I was thrilled to have my friend and co-author, Dr. Mark Chamberlain, join me on this episode of the podcast. Mark and I co-authored the book, "Love You, Hate the Porn: Healing a Relationship Damaged by Virtual Infidelity" back in 2011. In this episode we talk about the origin of this book, how it helps couples, and what things we would change if it were reissued today. We also discuss the challenging nature of couples recovery and what couples need to fully heal from the impact of pornography.

You can purchase "Love You. Hate the Porn" here:

Mark Chamberlain Bio:

I love listening to individuals and couples in an effort to enter their world as they see it, and hopefully over time help them rise above the limits of their current perceptions to take a broader perspective and discover previously unseen possibilities. Over the years, I’ve found some specific research-validated relapse-prevention skills to be quite helpful for individuals in the early stages of recovering from addiction. Over the long-term, most clients’ recovery is greatly strengthened by deeper emotional connections in relationships. I use Sue Johnson’s Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy to help couples heal the negative cycles that can sabotage such closeness. The greatest reward comes when they discover that true, deep attachment is “the real deal” that old addictions could never counterfeit.

• Doctorate Degree in Clinical Psychology
• Licensed Psychologist
• Trained in Lifespan Integration
• Trained in Emotionally Focused Therapy

Geoff Steurer has created audio and video courses to help support individuals and couples in marriage, addiction, and betrayal trauma recovery at Illuminate listeners can enter promo code: ILLUMINATE at checkout and save 15%.


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