Guest appearance: Healing with worth podcast - Therapeutic disclosures part 1 with Geoff Steurer - episode 35

guest post Jan 15, 2021

We were fortunate to have Geoff Steurer, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist come on the podcast to discuss therapeutic disclosures. 

A full therapeutic disclosure is: "As detailed as you need it to be, including the truth about all sexual behaviors past and present. Accompanied by professional care for you before, during, and after the...

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Illuminate: Erica Wilcox, LPC - EMDR in the real world - Episode 76

illuminate podcast Jan 14, 2021

 I'm joined by Erica Wilcox, Licensed Professional Counselor, to talk about the power of EMDR therapy for treating trauma and other mental health concerns.

Show highlights:

- Normalize and demystify EMDR to help educate and give hope to listeners that may not have otherwise sought it out so that they can heal from hurt

- EMDR in a nutshell:...

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Q&A with Geoff: How do I take back my husband who abandoned me for 6 months?

q&a with geoff Jan 13, 2021


My husband of 26 years left me right before COVID hit hard. He completely abandoned me. There were no calls or texts for six months. I filed for divorce, and he got served and started (with a fight) spousal support. Two payments later he’s now been back for a few months.

He says it’s a midlife crisis (he’s in his early 50s)....

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Q&A with Geoff: How do I get my husband to help me with our five children?

q&a with geoff Jan 06, 2021


I am married to a wonderful husband. We were married for 10 years before we had children, and it was wonderful. He really is my favorite person and a good man. The problem is, he is not a very good parenting partner.

We have five small children, and I am a stay-at-home mom. I always dreamed of this, and I would not change it for anything in...

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Guest appearance: Reach 10 podcast - Why don't relapses mean someone is starting over in recovery with Geoff Steurer - Episode 53

guest post Dec 31, 2020

Slip-ups happen when someone views pornography even though they are trying to quit. That comes with a lot of different emotions, from shame to discouragement. Geoff Steurer, a marriage and family therapist, talks with Creed and Crishelle on how people can learn from relapse and use it to become stronger. Relapse is a part of recovery, and even part of...

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Q&A with Geoff: My stepdaughter wonā€™t let me see her new baby

q&a with geoff Dec 30, 2020


My husband and I have been together nine years. We were both married before and ended up cheating on our spouses, which is how we ended up together. Even though we both regret doing that to our families, all of these years later, we’re happy together and have a good marriage. We’ve tried to make amends with his children, but they...

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Q&A with Geoff: How do you convince someone that you really care about them?

q&a with geoff Dec 23, 2020


My granddaughter-in-law’s mother has multiple sclerosis and is fairly home bound. Our family does lots of things together. We alternate holidays so she spends every other one with her mother. She is an only child as her father died young.

I feel so bad for her mother being on her own. I always invite her to come share in the fun, but...

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Illuminate: Chad Ford - Transforming fear and conflict in your life - Episode 75

illuminate podcast Dec 18, 2020

 Conflict is a normal part of life, but when there has been a serious betrayal of trust and security, working through that conflict can feel impossible. Sometimes it makes sense to stay in the relationship and sometimes its best to part ways. However, we don't always realize it, but we stay connected to those we struggle with even if we're not...

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Q&A with Geoff: How can our son thrive with a wife who has an intellectual disability?

q&a with geoff Dec 17, 2020


Our son’s last visit home was filled with despair. His wife is from another country. He speaks her language and admittedly says you cannot possibly know all the nuances of a culture without growing up in it. Most of their time has been spent in her country. They have three children.

The past couple of years my son has been reaching out...

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Illuminate: Kimberly Day - Confronting abuse in marriage - Episode 74

illuminate podcast Dec 14, 2020

In this episode I interview Kimberly Day, LMHCA, about how to better diagnose and confront abuse in marriage. Kim says that when we think of betrayal trauma and really understand the dynamics of a relationship when one partner is addicted to porn or sex, it's important to look at all abuse dynamics to get a complete picture. Abuse is an important and...

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