Q&A with Geoff: Should we help our niece get out of her unhealthy home environment?

q&a with geoff Dec 10, 2020


Recently, an extended family member reached out to me. She was feeling suicidal and asking for help to leave a bad family situation. She is a young adult still living in her parents’ home, and I supported the idea of her moving out and living on her own as a healthy thing for her age.

This desire to support her increased when I learned...

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Illuminate: Dr. Mark Chamberlain - The challenge of enjoyment in the age of addiction - Episode 73

illuminate podcast Dec 07, 2020

I interview author and psychologist, Dr. Mark Chamberlain, about our struggle to experience true enjoyment in today's desensitized culture. Screens, abundant food, and other forms of stimulation make it difficult for our nervous systems and bodies to truly enjoy life's little pleasures. It can also be a challenge to enjoy relationships, spirituality,...

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Q&A with Geoff: My husband is a narcissist and wonā€™t get help

q&a with geoff Dec 02, 2020


My husband was diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder three years ago. He still just wants to “work on the marriage” and has a very difficult time doing any personal core work. In fact, he doesn’t go to therapy anymore. He insists that working on the marriage is all that’s needed because he’s okay with...

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Q&A with Geoff: How do I convince my boyfriend Iā€™m not his abusive ex-wife?

q&a with geoff Dec 01, 2020


I’m dating a man who was left by his wife. He says he has moved on and that he wants to marry again, but all the signs show he hasn’t moved on. He is still bitter.

Every time we argue, he is ready to let everything go and often doesn’t try to make it work. I do all the fixing, and every time we reconcile, he says he...

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Q&A with Geoff: Can I ever feel happiness and love again after divorce?

q&a with geoff Nov 25, 2020


It has taken me over three years of deep grief to accept my former spouse’s decision to end our 17-year marriage.

Sadly, after reading one of your columns, I am sure my actions pushed him further away and solidified his decision. My emotions have been on the surface (due to supporting him through school, his graduating, his new job...

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Illuminate: Dr. Mark Chamberlain - Healing a marriage damaged by virtual infidelity - Episode 72

illuminate podcast Nov 23, 2020

I was thrilled to have my friend and co-author, Dr. Mark Chamberlain, join me on this episode of the podcast. Mark and I co-authored the book, "Love You, Hate the Porn: Healing a Relationship Damaged by Virtual Infidelity" back in 2011. In this episode we talk about the origin of this book, how it helps couples, and what things we would change if it...

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Q&A with Geoff: How do I quit checking out women other than my wife?

q&a with geoff Nov 20, 2020


I am working very hard to recover from a sexual and porn addiction I’ve had since I was about 13 years old. My therapist and I are still trying to figure out what caused it. Unfortunately, I have a pretty bad memory and can’t remember what happened at a young age.

My current issue is this: I don’t want to sexualize anyone or...

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Q&A with Geoff: Iā€™m not allowed to visit my severely disabled daughter due to COVID

q&a with geoff Nov 19, 2020


I have a 47-year-old daughter, severely disabled, both physically and mentally, with cerebral palsy. She is beautiful, has a bright smile, and loves Cookie Monster and Oscar. I cared for her at home until she was 24, then she went to live in a wonderful facility three hours away. I have visited her most every week since then. I know and love...

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Q&A with Geoff: My husband of just 7 months is still in love with his ex-girlfriend

q&a with geoff Nov 17, 2020


My husband and I just got married seven months ago. He recently told me that he believes he is still in love with his ex-girlfriend that he dated for two years.

He says that he thinks we need to get a divorce and that it would be better for me in the long run because he doesn’t think that he is the guy for me. 

I love my husband...

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Illuminate: Dr. Wally Goddard - Compassion in marriage after betrayal - Episode 71

illuminate podcast Nov 09, 2020

Betrayed partners are terrified to offer forgiveness and compassion to their unfaithful spouse. They've often already offered the benefit of the doubt, offered forgiveness and understanding, and compassion over years when they were being lied to and manipulated. So, the idea of extending this back to their partner doesn't feel safe. I join my dear...

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