Illuminate: Dr. Julie Hanks - The problem with idealizing motherhood and glorifying self-neglect - Episode 60

illuminate podcast Jun 09, 2020

I interview Dr. Julie Hanks, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, author, and assistant professor at Utah Valley University on the topic of why idealizing motherhood can be harmful to women's mental and emotional health. Specifically, we discuss:

- Why our culture idealizes mothers.

- How how idealizing motherhood can be harmful to women's mental health.

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Illuminate: Dr. Julie Hanks - Assertiveness for betrayed women - Episode 59

illuminate podcast May 21, 2020

I interview Dr. Julie Hanks, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, author, and assistant professor at Utah Valley University on the topic of helping betrayed women become more assertive with their needs.



Specifically, we discuss:

- Why betrayed women need skills to protect themselves from harm, manipulation, and abuse.

- How assertiveness...

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Q&A with Geoff: My sister-in-law is possessive of my husband

q&a with geoff May 19, 2020


My husband’s older sister was widowed two years ago. She has no children and no other siblings. Prior to this, she would barely give my husband and me the time of day. However, since being widowed, she had bonded to us like cement!

We were there for her throughout the initial difficulties, but now my husband has made himself more than...

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Q&A with Geoff: My alcoholic son refuses to honor our rules

q&a with geoff May 15, 2020


My son is 40 years old, an alcoholic and is separated from his wife. He is also having financial issues. He can work from home, so he came home to stay with us so he can regroup. We told him he could stay, but he couldn’t drink in our home. Evidently, that rule was broken the first day he came. 

We have helped him with his bills...

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Illuminate: Rick Thompson, LCSW - When missionaries struggle with pornography - Episode 58

illuminate podcast May 06, 2020

I interview Rick Thompson, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, on how to help full-time missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who struggle with pornography issues. These missionaries aren't immune to the temptations and struggles of pornography, yet, they often suffer in shame and silence because of their calling as...

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Guest Post - Will our teens be the same after the pandemic? by Jody Steurer

covid-19 help guest post Apr 24, 2020


By Jody Steurer

I recently read an opinion piece by CNN columnist Scottie Andrew, titled “Why Teens May Never Be The Same After The Pandemic,” where she highlights the losses teens, especially graduating seniors, face as they wrap up this school year in quarantine. 

She’s right. Our graduating seniors may never be the...

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Illuminate: Gaelyn Rae Emerson - How women can heal from relationship abandonment - Episode 57

illuminate podcast Apr 23, 2020

Gaelyn Rae Emerson joins me to talk about the impact of abandonment on women dealing with betrayal trauma from pornography and sexual addiction. She outlines a method she uses to help women move toward healing when they've been abandoned. In this episode: 

- She defines the term “sexual abandonment”.

- She describes the role...

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Illuminate: Gaelyn Rae Emerson - Staying resilient when your husband relapses - Episode 56

illuminate podcast Apr 09, 2020

The uncertainty of a potential relapse often leaves betrayed women anxious and tense. They wonder when the next betrayal will happen and how they'll respond. Even though there is no way to predict the future, my guest in this episode, Gaelyn Rae Emerson, says that women can prepare themselves and develop resilience in the face of future relapses,...

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Q&A with Geoff: I feel like Iā€™m only a paycheck to my wife

q&a with geoff Apr 06, 2020


My wife and I have been married for many years, and we have a large and loving family. However, our relationship has always been somewhat distant and shallow, even as newlyweds, since we dated and married fairly quickly. I have taken responsibility for this, as I’ve never been good at relationships and have always defaulted to sulking...

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You are more than a paycheck - Helping men thrive during COVID-19

covid-19 help Apr 02, 2020

Lots of men are telling me they're feeling overwhelmed with fear about providing for their families during this COVID-19 economic downturn. Even though both men and women are losing income during this time, men generally take it harder. A lot of guys will numb out on TV, phones, gaming, food, and isolate away from their loved ones. Some will get...

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